Craig Leuthold, the Interim Trustee (isn’t the title Trustee a position for an incarcerated aka jailed inmate) appeared this morning on WBIR’s Inside Tennessee. Panelist Jack McElroy asked Leuthold about his involvement in 2007 in appointing Fred Sisk as Trustee and then receiving a promotion and a 50% salary increase.
Leuthold explained his position during the Mike Lowe era 1994-2007 and then said he only worked 2 months during Trustee John Duncan. Totally evading his career from February 1 2007-September 1, 2010. I am disappointed that McElroy, Panelist Susan Richardson Williams, Don Bosch and Moderator John Becker didn’t pressure Leuthold to answer the question asked.
Remember Craig Leuthold was found GUILTY of violating the Open Meeting Laws along with all his other County Commission colleagues for his and their actions on January 31, 2007.

The satellite office at Cedar Bluff is where they put the politically connected people that don’t really have to work. The ‘special programs’ group which is staffed by ghost employees and politicos. This position made it easier to only be at work 4 hours per day. He got traded to the Prop. Ass. office to make room for JD3’s lackeys.