
What Has Been Leuthold’s First Priority?

Sources close to Interim Trustee Craig Leuthold’s office inform me that one of the first things that he has fought for is to be paid the Trustee salary immediately.

You remember that it took three days after his 6-4 Commission vote to get his bond approved. For those three days, he was paid the same daily rate that he has received as the Public Information officer for the Knox County Property Assessor. That salary was around $68,000 a year. The Interim Trustee salary is around $110,000., so Leuthold is insisting that he be paid those 3 days at the daily rate of $110,000.00 and the Commission thought his primary concern would be to steady the office.

I predict that bumper stickers will start appearing on cars in and around the City County Building that say, “Bring Duncan Back” or “Don’t Blame Me, I didn’t vote for Leuthold.” I need to get those sound bites from Commissioner Rick Briggs saying what a great guy his Treasurer’s boy is.

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