Carla Hatfield, longtime activist in Republican politics who had worked in the Property Assessors Office for years was asked by Trustee Duncan to come to work in the Trustees Office and become his Administrative Assistant. She did. Now, Duncan is gone and the Black Wednesday County Commissioner appointed Interim Trustee is having his Administrative Assistant sent to the Cedar Bluff satellite office.
Hatfield is longtime Halls community activist. Her husband is a Regal Cinema employee and is an elected member of the State Republican Executive Committee representing the district served by State Senator Becky Duncan Massey.
That seems awfully punitive to force a Halls citizen that has years of working knowledge and experience at the City County Building to now commute to the other end of the county.
Two sources indicate that another employee (Karen Brown) has left recently as well.

Well folks it looks as if Little Lord Fauntlenroy is rubber stamping what the butter and egg man requested. This clown is cut from the same cloth as the butter and egg man. This man knows only what he is told to do and not whats advisable for the County. Well I’ve got to change the name for the butter and egg man as he has his sights on the Trustee now as he is preparing to jump ship off the sinking SS Assessor. Mr. Drysdale the greedy banker from the Beverly Hillbillies is now coaching Little Craig, and will learn more of the same old crooked Knox County ways. If the educated taxpayers in this corrupt town would refuse to pay the taxes to the County Trustee this might get the attention of the Mayor. The trustee cannot be trusted and the bond amount proves such. Hold onto your money as this man has played a Crooked County Commissioner, a smooser for the inflated property tax values that he knew were derived from the land of make believe, and now he is the County Banker. This man has more hats than Hedda Hopper. Very disappointed in the leadership from the sixth floor for allowing this mockery to occur. Jane Hathaway formally known as Carla Hatfield has been kick as close to the curb without hurting the feelings of the golden turds of the Republican Party. She is occupying the Cedar Bluff office just the same as her boss in the former administration. Not ready to cut the cord just yet but when he is done with her will send her packing. Carla thats called being used, even a mule gets a break. Good grief sister Agnes, your smarter than this. Without Karen who is going to collect money, it sure doesn’t come in freely, not everyone pays their bills. But Little Craig hasn’t figured out this out yet he is still hooked on the little old lady smoosing. But when the money stops rolling in I am sure the County Firing Squad and the Mayor will chime in and light a fire under his sorry ass. The only thing that gets the attention in this town is the absence of money rolling in, the rest is swept under the rug. Minus one employee, and I will bet you that three more will be hired in her place to appease Mr. Drysdale. Old Milburn would eat his own, but he has to have a job, keeping up Margaret and the daughter who is having children faster than a brute sow.
Elmer is hearing a rumble that isn’t the type coming from a empty belly… As my old maw used to say to me “where there is smoke there is a fire”. I normally don’t watch the news but wanted to see the weather as it’s hay cutting time. Seems like another elected county official is subject to this investigation and is fearing going to jail. Oh brother is this lu lu, who will mind the store if another office goes under? We have had more musical chairs in the Courthouse than the entire season of Romper Room. Looks like it will be anyones game with the next office appointment, bet you the deal is already in the works as I detect a leak in in a ship that was destined to sink since leaving the dock. Who has this office holder retained to represent them? Its going to take a ton of money and a brilliant mind to appease the Fed’s, but only time will tell. Doe’s anyone know the official meaning and reason of an OTA order, and how long that Citizens Support Documents are archived for appeals of property assessments? I got a call from a neibor lady of mine who wants me to eat breakfast with some hotel owners tomorrow at Cracker Barrell, and this was one of their questions. If anyone knows the answer to this I would appreciate a blog answer as I know I can’t get a straight answer from Milburn or Linda aka “The Prune”. I’ve got to find a character name for her as I can’t keep pointing out her imperfections as she can’t help it,the job she has made her that way. If anyone wants to join me and some hotel people tomorrow come on out, will be there about 6am. Come on out Tire Man, Paper Man, Milburn and Prunella I don’t want to say anything behind your back as that isn’t fair. Speaking of the fair, my wife is entering her “Prune Preserves” in the fair this year, tasty and sweet and will clean you out faster than you can say Campaign Contribution.
Hatfield was never qualified, just a friend. Welcome to politics.