TN Republican Party to Issue Warning to Knox County Republican Party Chair

Yesterday, I had a conversation with Michael Sullivan, Deputy Executive Director of the TN Republican Party about the comments by Knox County Republican Party Chair at a recent Center City Conservatives Republican Club. Her comments were clearly interpreted by many of the persons in attendance as an effort to entice a primary opponent for State Rep. Harry Brooks. Sources close to the Knox County Republican Party Chair indicate that she and her mentor have identified County Commissioner Dave Wright as Brooks primary opponent.

Mr. Sullivan indicated that he intended and will be calling the Knox County Chair to warn her that she is on (walking a) very thin ice (line) and to stop it.

Update: Sullivan called to challenge the specific language. I have edited to fit his belief of the understanding of the conversation that he and I had. In addition, I have removed the quotation remarks. Cause that’s how customer service rolls. Make everyone happy, happy, happy.

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