
BREAKING NEWS: Democrat Gloria Johnson Is NOT a Resident of State Senate District Six

The other night, TN Democrat Chairman Chip Forrester announced at the Knox County Truman Day Dinner that Knox County Democrat Chair Gloria Johnson would be the Democrat candidate for State Senate District Six. But, you see the problem is that according to our sources Johnson resides at 2506 Brice Street. That residence is in the district served by State Senator Stacey Campfield. So, the TN Democrat party is so clueless they recruit a candidate that is not a resident of the district. You can go here on the kgis website and search for 2506 Brice Street and it will inform you that property is in Senator Campfield’s district

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6 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well we really do not want her representing us, she or the democrats don't know where the district is. They are so clueless over there. The Democrats want us to back the rest of the Democrats running in the city elections, are we sure they are all in there proper districts?

  2. Anonymous says:


    Here is her federal campaign donations. Every donation is from that address in the seventh district.

  3. Anonymous says:

    They will do anything to win including cheat.

  4. Anonymous says:

    If her leadership of the Democratic Party is any indication of her abilities, ANY elected office she ever held (if elected), would be a cause of grave concern for the electorate of that district!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone really think that any of the 3 Republican Candidates,are sweating a nobody like Gloria Johnson? Whomever wins the Republican Primary, will probably put such a beating on Gloria in Novemember, that people will consider the race between Burchett and Maize a close one.

  6. henilsmith says:

    The Democrats wish us to aback the blow of the Democrats active in the city-limits elections, are we abiding they are all in there able districts?

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