Call to ACTION – Contact Sen. Bob Corker’s Office TODAY

Senator Ted Cruz as of this posting has been on the Senate floor for over 15 hours. Cruz is filibustering in a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington style on Defunding the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare.

I am reminded that TN Senator Bob Corker (the Senator from my own state) has slammed Senator Cruz. As President Ronald Reagan challenged, do not speak ill of another Republican. What about the decorum of the legislative body that is the US Senate?

I am calling all Representative Republic loving Americans to call Senator Bob Corker’s office and express your displeasure with him publicly slamming Senator Ted Cruz and DEMAND that he “Stand With Cruz”. The phone numbers for Corker are 865-637-4180 or in Washington, DC 202-224-3344

Senator Lamar Alexander’s contact number in Washington, DC is 202-224-4944 or locally 865-545-4253. Alexander has NOT publicly slammed Cruz. So be nice and encourage him to vote with Cruz.

Click here for details

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