Weekly Print Publication Publisher Raises Interesting Question

As regular readers will realize. There are two weekly community newsprint publications that I am not always fond of. I do believe that when one asks a good question, I should point it out.

The one that prints a Publishers position, takes on whether Mayor Rogero should sunshine meetings with Council members. Primarily because in the rare instance that Council ties on a vote, the Mayor votes to break the tie. That is an interesting question.

I have wondered if the Mayor is not sometimes acting as an intermediary (which Chancellor Fansler forbid the County Commission in Jordan et al -vs- Knox County) in finding out what each council member feels on an item and communicating the findings to each council member.

In the time I served on the Knox County School Board (prior to Jordan et al -vs- Knox County) the Superintendent many times acted as an intermediary.

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1 Response

  1. Interesting Icon says:

    Isn’t this Publisher the same that supported this same Mayor in the City of Knoxville Primary & General?