Sometimes it helps to monitor and check the mainstream media. You see a Republican volunteer sent a letter to the Editor of the Big Metal Shed and to the columnist that wrote the column that the reader/letter writer was responding to. The writer also sent the letter to me.
So, if you sit back and wait until the mainstream butchers and doctors the letter. You can contrast and compare how good the Editorial page Editor is or isn’t. You can also determine if the only paper in town is a defender and supporter of someones First Amendment right to free speech. Do they allow someone to say what they wish to say in the manner they wish to state it.
Today is your lucky day. Yesterday the Big Metal Shed on the Hill published the letter. How they printed it is below. The actual letter in below in block quote. While I am fairly certain that Scott Barker is the Editorial Page Editor and is tasked with editing letters to the editor. It appears he and the Big Metal Shed like to use the BrianHornback.Com brand because in the butchering job they also added my name and former title to the letter writers letter that was not in her actual correspondence.
So, while this column made some significant mention of me although this columnist made NO attempt to contact me prior to publication. The Editorial Page Editor participates in at least one liberal forum and is referenced on another that is nearly dead by an acquaintance and likes to take shots at the BrianHornback.Com brand. It seems that either they like the website they act like they do not like or they are using me to sell more papers.
Note of disclosure: This is my opinion. I have cited my only source and that is the person that authored the letter. Her name is below twice.
Either way, I am humbled and honored that the Big Metal Shed thinks of me so often. Now, compare and contrast, the first one is the edited version, the bottom one is the actual letter.
Manuela Scott Ptacek, Knoxville
Column unfair to GOP club president
The words Georgiana Vines’ Oct. 26 column was not well-informed and I believe she was trying to connect dots where there were none.
As the vice president of the Knox County Republican Women and someone who has volunteered many years to the GOP here in Knox County, I would like to clear up a few harmful and ill-informed things that were printed.
The new chapter of the National Federation of Republican Women was formed by 15 women in March to fit the needs of women who could not or would not attend the day meetings of the Volunteer Republican Women. Suzanne Dewar was elected president and I was elected vice president. The process was started by a core group of four women who brought Dewar on board. She did not “organize” the new club as stated in the column.
We believe that this city is big enough for two clubs. The few of us who were/are members of Volunteer Women believe that club has grown out of sync with the issues conservative women want. There are many values we want to see restored in our community, and frankly, an evening meeting for women within the directives of the National Federation of Republican Women is very appealing to us.
Having known Dewar for many years I can say to you that never, ever, has she said that she hates current GOP party Chairwoman Ruthie Kuhlman.
Dewar has never said or allowed disparaging comments to be made about Kuhlman from any of the volunteers or friends. Dewar stepped back from the party office duties because Kuhlman made it clear that she was not needed. Regarding the office mentioned in the column, it has become a day care for the chairwoman’s grandchildren. Dewar has been maligned and is due an apology, which I don’t think will ever come from the chairwoman.
There is no connection between the lawsuit the chairwoman has filed against former Chairman Brian Hornback and Dewar or Knox County Republican Women beginning a new chapter. The poor attempt of Vines to connect these dots was below the standards of any respected journalist. I also believe this column was used to continue to keep the chairwoman’s agenda as close to the front page as possible — it fits her narrative.
Sadly, I personally have been subjected to the chairwoman’s temper, and I fully believe she should step down from her position as party chair.
Dear Editor,
I would like to address the comments of Georgina Vines’ article on Oct 26th.
All interactions with people in the world mandate that we be aware of what we say, so that our words are helpful not harmful. Would you not agree that words printed must also be well informed? The words Georgina wrote were not fully well informed and I believe she was trying to connect dots where there were none. As the VP of the Knox County Republican Women and someone whom has volunteered many years to the GOP here in Knox County, I would like to clear up a few harmful and ill-informed things that were printed.
1) The new chapter of the National Federation of Republican Women was formed (by 15 women) in March to fit the needs of women who could not or would not attend the day meetings of the Volunteer Republican Women. Suzanne Dewar was elected to the position of President, myself as VP and the process was started by a core of 4 women who brought Mrs. Dewar on board. (It was not she who “organized” the new club as stated in the article) We believe that this city is big enough for two clubs. The few of us who were/are members of Volunteer Women believe that club has grown to be out of sync and a-political of the issues conservative women want. There are many values we want to see restored in our community, and frankly an evening meeting for women within the directives of the National Federation of Republican Women is very appealing to us.
2) Having known Mrs. Dewar for many years I can say to you that NEVER, ever, has she said that she “hates” the current GOP party chairwoman! (Is this chairwomen still stuck in middle school?) Suzanne has never said or allowed disparaging comments about that woman from any of the volunteers or friends as well. Mrs. Dewar stepped back from the party office duties because Ruthie made it very clear that Suzanne was not needed. In regards to the big office, it has become a ‘day care’ for the chairwomen’s grandchildren she babysits. Mrs. Dewar has been maligned and is due an apology, which I don’t think will ever come from the Chairwomen.
3) There is no connection between the lawsuit the chairwomen has brought to the fore front and Mrs. Dewar or Knox County Republican Women’s beginning a new chapter. The poor attempt of Georgina Vines to connect said failed ‘dots’ was below that of any respected journalist. I also believe this article was used to continue to keep the chairwomen’s agenda (lawsuit & victim status) as close to the front page as possible, it fits her narrative. Sadly, I personally have been subjected to the chairwomen’s unstable behavior & temper and I fully believe she should step down from her position as party chair.
Manuela Scott Ptacek, Knoxville TN