A couple of notes from yesterday’s bologna cutting

I was humbled and honored by the many people who came up to me and asked if everything was alright because I had not blogged consistently for the past couple of weeks. I explained that work has been hectic and I was getting ready to jump right back in. They all said good because we rely on you to tell us what no one else tells us. Even a dear sweet friend said “I rely on you to tell things before they happen” Again, I can never repay you readers for your loyalty.

When I got home. I checked my voicemail and Republican Party Chairman Ray Jenkins left a robo call message about the bologna cutting. Interesting to note, I did not see Ray or the party’s First Vice Chair Phyllis Severance there.

Ruth Kulhman, the only announced candidate for Republican Party Chair was working the crowd. Several other individuals were testing the waters for Chair amongst the crowd. The other candidates said the November election is more important. They will wait and announce after Nov. 6 because the convention for Chairman will not occur until March 2013.

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3 Responses

  1. Ray Jenkins says:

    Someone told me you missed me yesterday.

    I was unable to attend because I was out of town on business.


  2. Did anybody bother to count the number of Duncans there or bother to count the number of Duncans which were not there at this most esteemed real Republican gathering?

  3. Ray, I am happy to see that you still have people reading the blog and letting you know what is on it. You said “someone” told you.

    I always look for you at GOP events, you like me a couple years ago is hard to miss