City of Knoxville, Are Attitude Changes Occurring?

When Madeline Rogero took office, she enjoyed the support of the gay community. She along with Democrat Mayors Dean of Nashville and Berk of Chattanooga in implementing domestic partner benefits. Rogero did it with executive order bypassing council. The citizens of Chattanooga have an upcoming vote on over turning the decision.

On Friday afternoon, KPD conducted an undercover operation at Tyson Park. Somewhat similar to the May 2011 observation that occurred at Sharps Ridge that netted an elected official. With the operation on Friday, they planted an under cover KP officer in the bathrooms. Nine men were arrested for exposing themselves in search of a date. That is an odd way to get a date, but okay, anyhoo. Here is WATE’s report.

What I found as odd was the comment from KPD, “our problem isn’t that they’re meeting for dates; it’s the way they are doing it.” That seems like an odd statement. Could this be perceived as almost an apology. Could this be perceived as a reactive explanation due in part to a gay friendly Mayor trying to change public perceptions?

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1 Response

  1. Knoxcountyreject says:

    The Mayors office will pull an A&E and someone at the PD will be suspended for this operation. How can that officer define a “date” like that. I better stop or I will get sued for voicing my opinion. Hmmmm