Former Commissioner Larry Clark is a good guy. A gentleman that has my respect over the years as I watched him first manage political campaigns and then reluctantly became a County Commissioner serving South Knoxville. As Larry served on County Commission, he unwaveringly supported his constituents.
A couple a weeks ago Clark picked up a qualifying petition for School Board in South Knoxville to oppose Pam Trainor. When he called me this afternoon, I was looking forward to talking to my friend.
He shared with me how he knew it was time to run for County Commission. He explained all the calls of support that he had received since picking up a petition earlier this month. As he and wife Barbara continued to seek the guidance on God, he just never had the confirmation that running for or serving on the School Board was what he was meant to do.
You hear a lot of candidates say that after prayer they have decided this, that or the other. But when Larry Clark says that God has not blessed a run for School Board, like the E.F Hutton commercials, you know Clark has listened.
So, the field for now is Certified candidate Amber Rountree, Current School Board Member Pam Trainer, potential candidate William H. Hiscock II. Clark and other petition recipient Jim McClain have announced they will not be candidates.

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We need more men like him at all levels of government but instead we get the likes of Julia Hurley and Robert L