Does The School Board Sixth District have the Potential to be Fun, Fun, Fun as a Spectator Sport?

Get your tickets early on the Sixth District School Board race. Right out of the gate, Terry Hill, Retired KCS Social Worker and Tamara Shepherd, a constant critic over on KnoxViews of Superintendent Dr. James P. McIntyre, Jr. and Common Core. Then Brad Buchanan picked up a petition. But last week Knox County Council PTA President Sandra Rowcliffe picked up a petition. That is the petition gatherer that will make this race a must see event.

Shepherd -vs- Rowcliffe will be interesting. I suspect (unfounded by the way) that Rowcliffe intends to keep her Presidency while running for the School Board. Shepherd like her or not. She is not afraid to object to what she believes is wrong. She even went to the extent of legal action in 2004 to challenge the seating of a Third District School Board Member and that elected board member opted not to take the oath of office.

Whether Rowcliffe is ready to give up the Presidency of KCCPTA and become a public figure is unknown. Becoming a candidate opens everything in your life to the world.

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1 Response

  1. When will they learn? says:

    All you need to know about Sandra Rowcliffe: