Georgiana and the Editorial OverSight Fail

Today, Georgiana Vines a retired news writer and a frequent contributor to the Big Metal Shed on the Hill with a column that purports to cover politics. The problem today is she reports bogus information. She wrote and published about Mike Hammond, Joy McCroskey and now Attorney Steve Williams as candidates for Knox County Criminal Court Clerk.

She reported they have until February 27, 2014 to return their petitions. NO, NO, NO! Georgiana and the Editors that fact check her writings missed it, the filing deadline is NOON on February 20, 2014. The date for certified candidates to withdraw is February 27, 2014. That is not what she published. This is yet another example of the bias that pulled Vines off the State Senator Stacey Canpfield -vs- Randy Walker race.


Come on Big Metal Shed on the Hill allowing a part time citizen journalist like me to continue fact checking and correcting you is too easy a game.

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1 Response

  1. When will they learn? says:

    Vines is owned. The most dishonest “reporter” in the local game. The Enquirer wouldn’t have her.