Commissioner David Wright the News Sentinel Commissioner

Commissioner David Wright had a discussion item to be added to the agenda today. The item was previously noticed on BrianHornback.Com. When this author asked Wright why he was waging this political war. He said the item was because of what he read in the News Sentinel.

Yesterday afternoon, the item was brought up and after a brief discussion. Wright moved to withdraw. But Barry Hawkins was there and addressed the issue.

It seems if Mr. Wright has a question about any payments or non payments involved in the Trustee office CTAS issue! he needs to go to the investigating authorities. The Feds, the TBI, etc.

During the meeting he kept saying that his 8th district constituents expect him to ask the questions. It seems that Wright relies on the Big Metal Shed on the Hill for his material. What about articles that the Sentinel has written about that Wright did not ask about.

How about the 13 emails that the Law Department are appealing for a second time that the Judge has ordered to be released? Wright didn’t ask any question about the Knox County Criminal Court Clerk Office operation.

Wright is a close friend and confidant of the Knox County Property Assessor who was the former employer of Hawkins opponent. In the May 6 Republican Primary, Hawkins faces County Commissioner Ed Shouse and Black Wednesday County Commissioner and Commission Appointed Interim Trustee Craig Leuthold.

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1 Response

  1. unknown says:

    The only constituents who asked him to look into it were the publisher of the weekly throwaway paper that slanders everyone he does not agree with and the tire man.