
Here’s a Question, Should a Party Chair Direct Candidates to a Specific Campaign Consultant?

Here is some perspective. In Tennessee we have 95 counties, so with a Republican and Democrat Party Chair in each county that translates into 190 individuals, add in the State Party Chairs that is 192 individuals.

If one or more of the 192 individuals were to take it upon themselves to call or talk with candidates within their party and attempt to suggest/encourage/direct candidates to a specific campaign consultant/manager, is that proper, ethical or not?

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1 Response

  1. Knoxcountyreject says:

    Well I would hate to think that here in Knox county our great party chair would ever do anything unethical. I mean I know she is a fan of the Ford family (at least she supported Harold of US Senate by putting a sign in her yard) maybe she wants to be like them.