
Busler Comes Off as An Angry Old Man

Bo Bennett and Charles Busler candidates for Knox County Commission Seventh District faced of on WBIR’s Inside TN. Busler was argumentative, unable to explain his position of transparency. He interrupted Bennett on several cases and just came off as an angry old man. Busler kept referring to his 42 years living in the district.

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1 Response

  1. Elmer Henderlight says:

    Well Hunleys stooge wasn’t prepared, it’s hard to be transparent when you haven’t the first clue what the word means. Puppets on a string can’t act by themselves, it appears old buster just couldn’t cut the mustard. Bet ya he is on the front face of Hunleys just Hulitized touting his praises like the Murphy’s Oil Soap jingle. Just another old worthless politician looking to latch onto the county tit. Good grief Knox county has some stupid people that would vote for a dead body if Hunley said they were the person for the job. My vote is on Bennett, at least he has an answer for a question.