Did the Knox County Council PTA Use Information to Campaign for “Good Ole Gal Club”?

Thanks to a reader of BrianHornback.Com for passing this along. The April edition of the Knox County Council PTA (that’s the countywide group that is suppose to oversee the local school units) appears to be advancing the school board campaigns of the current chair and a former county chair. You can read the propaganda aka news story below. These are the pictures that were sent to me.



Interesting is that the news that is pretended to be the focus of the story is implementation of Common Core. This weekend, it appears that the legislature may delay the PARCC testing for two years and delay any further implementation of Common Core. This is the right thing to do, delay, delay, delay.

It is a violation of the PTA to involve itself in advancing the election of candidates. So, the article was written as a news story which currently appears to not be accurate. Is it just an attempt to advance the “good ole gals club”?

The author of the article is a former failed candidate for State Representative. She served on the school board and lost re-election in 2002.

Bob Thomas for Commission

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