Waggoner Would Like You to Think…….

Over on Screams From The Porch this little jewel from the Bobby Waggoner for Sheriff campaign. Waggoner put out a press release which we didn’t receive (unless it got stuck in a spam folder). In the release he boast of the crowd that showed up for a free BBQ, he made reference to Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett and County Commission Chairman Brad Anders being in attendance.

It would give the veiled appearance that by attending Burchett and Anders has endorsed him. I have messaged both gentlemen. Burchett said “No” Burchett continued “I was invited by the Brasfields (the host families farm where the event was held) they called my office.” and Anders commented on his attendance, “I went to the BBQ for Freddie Brasfield and his family. My attendance was in no way an endorsement for any candidate there campaigning.”

Remember, Waggoner has spent about 13 years at the Sheriffs Department. He was hired by Former Sheriff Tim Hutchison, recently Sheriff Tim said to me about Waggoner’s hiring, he

“I hired Waggoner to work at the Sheriff’s office in an appointed position since Bobby had never been a Policeman.”

Waggoner acts like Black Wednesday 2007 happened last week. Let’s look at the facts, something Waggoner and his cronies don’t want you to do.

On 2/6/2008 Jones received 100% of the 34,717 Republican Primary votes. On 8/7/2008 Jones beat Democrat Randy Tyree, Tyree received 41.86% or 18,575 votes while Jones received 58.14% or 25,795 votes. Two years later, on 5/4/2010 Jones beat Republican Steve Hart in the Republican primary, Hart received 28% or 9,333 votes while Jones received 72% or 23,742 votes. Then on August 5, 2010 Jones received 48,845 votes for 100% of the General Election votes to be Knox County Sheriff. Waggoner actually campaigned for Jones in 2010.

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1 Response

  1. I don’t know Mr. Waggoner but I do know Sheriff Jones. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! Sheriff Jones has done a terrific job as Sheriff. If black Wednesday is relevant to this election I don’t know how. I think Knox County would be making a terrible mistake not voting for Sheriff Jones.