Somebody at the Big Metal Shed Knows!

So, Gerald Witt has a story where the Big Metal Shed wants to know if Sheriff Jones leaked the warrant on Jason Hunnicutt’s unpaid bill. They say they received it along with other media entities. Ok, if you received it, you know where you got it.

Second, when the Big Metal Shed kept reporting about Mayor Tim Burchett and his campaign funds. Everyone suspected then the Big Metal Shed got their intel from the Mayor’s former wife. After the infamous emails were released that the Big Metal Shed filed suit over, it is revealed that the Mayor’s former wife had in fact emailed him details on his campaign funds. Thus revealing their source.

Third, on October 17, 2013 a court filing was filed with Knox County Circuit Court and a local reporter reported the filing of litigation almost immediately. The Big Metal Shed called and of course, I had no comment because I hadn’t been served. I wasn’t served until October 25, 2013. Who leaked that? It doesn’t matter, because I know that many people are obsessed with my website and myself. We responded thirty days later with four sworn affidavits and a voice mail from the plaintiff. By the way, if you are wondering, the case is still pending. Stay tuned.

In my situation, I never considered blaming the Sheriff’s Department. They lock up the bad guys. They don’t care who files a suit in court, one that may be legit or may be frivolous.

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1 Response

  1. Elmer Henderlight says:

    Good grief does anyone related to the criminal clerks office, either the clerk or the candidates admit to their mistakes? Poor JJ has been blamed for everything but the new copper roof. The man runs the sheriffs office like a well oiled Singer Sewing Machine. Bad bobbins just keep getting in the mix. I will be so glad when this elections over. No mores secret meetings, no more deals just the tally of the votes. Get out an vote how you want not the way the Paper tells you to. Looks like their cronies just can’t make it on their own.