Zachary Ignores Greenback Rules

Jason Zachary, Candidate opposing OUR Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. appeared in the Greenback community July 4th parade. In Greenback, Veterans always lead the parade. They placed his signs on a veteran car, according to my sources the Greenback organizers told them to keep their spot in the parade line and DO NOT put their signs on a veterans car. As you can see, rules appear not to matter.


Putting their sign on a veterans car, put them in front of our current Congressman. This from a candidate that has only voted ONCE in the primary he wishes to win. He did not vote in August 2012 election for the same election that he seeks in 2014. He is NOT a veteran. His voting record is an embarrassment to any veteran or any family member of a veteran that gave their life for our freedom.

Zachary appears to be from the self entitled, rules be damned mentality.

From a Greenback source, “In a class-less disregard for decent manners as well as the rules of the Town of Greenback’s July 4th Parade, Jason Zachary’s campaign followed in a long line of shameful campaign tactics by handing out campaign literature in the middle of the parade. They also placed campaign signs on a veteran-marked car–a pitiful attempt to get the novice candidate’s name JZ for Congress ahead of Congressman Duncan’s in the parade line. Election records make it quite clear that Congressman’s opponent cannot find his way to the voting booth very often, but it also appears he can’t find his way to the rulebook and has tried to manipulate a national holiday celebration in a cheap attempt to score the most beautiful of political points.”

My Greenback source (who has been at every Greenback parade since 2006) went on to describe today’s incident, “The parade officials told Zachary’s volunteers to: 1) Stay in their place in line and 2) don’t put any campaign signs on veteran-marked cars. They made them take the sign off the vet’s car but they put it right back on.”

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4 Responses

  1. Dan Raper says:

    I Hope Your Source OS Not Duncan III Adobe Putting SigA Up Without Permission. Owners Of Sam And Andy’S Gave TheiR Permission. Please Stop With THe Cheap Shots My Christian Brother.

  2. BHornback says:

    Dan, John Duncan III was and is not the source. Inferring his name is a cheap shot (in my opinion). Family members should be off limits, but desperate campaigns resort to desperate tactics.

  3. BHornback says:

    Dan, I have just confirmed that the owner of the property is not the same as the owners of Sam & Andy’s.

  4. Knoxcountyreject says:

    Dan did God call you to reply to this article? I’m sure JZ made up that he got permission just like he made up that he has voted over the past 10 years. What a joke! Dan if you are so concerned about this race why didn’t you run instead of getting your new man crush to run?