
Election Workers Needed and It Pays!

The Knox County Election Commission is recruiting election workers for the November 6, 2012 election. They will host four recruitment meetings to be held this week and next week.

Cedar Bluff Branch Library (9045 Cross Park Drive) on Wednesday, September 5th at 6 p.m

John T. O’Connor Center (611 Winona Street) on Monday, September 10th at 10 a.m.

Howard Pinkston Branch Library (7732 Martin Mill Pike) on Tuesday, September 11th at 6 p.m.

Halls Senior Center (4405 Crippen Road) on Wednesday, September 12th at 6 p.m.

Attendees will learn more about election law, polling place procedures, and the Hart-Intercivic voting system. Each meeting is expected to last for one hour. The public is invited to attend.

“It takes more than 600 election officials to run a Presidential election in Knox County,” according to Clifford A. Rodgers, Administrator of Elections.

Election officials must meet the following requirements:

Registered to vote in Knox County
Able to lift 50 lbs
Understand and follow written instructions
Willing to work 14 hours on Election Day and attend training classes before the election.

Governmental employees (federal, state, city, or county) cannot serve as election officials nor may employees of KUB or ORNL; however, school teachers and employees of higher education may serve. High school students who are 17-years or older are permitted to serve.

If you have any questions, please contact the Knox County Election Commission at (865) 215-2480.

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