Sleaze Campaign Tactic from The Slopper Gals!

Sandra Clark back before she turned over ownership of the Shopper to the men in suits from E.W. Scripps was always promoting female candidates. Until of course Jamie Hagood (aka Woodson) came along and Hagood (aka Woodson) was challenged by Billy Stokes. Clark went with the good ole boy, Stokes. Hagood (aka Woodson) won with the likes of a winning percentage normally earned by Congressman Duncan.

Now, come along with Clark as an E.W. Scripps employee and she currently doesn’t like Superintendent McIntyre after she thought he was a good guy and promoted the efforts a few years ago of Save Our Schools. But she and SOS failed and she now dislikes McIntyre.

School Board Vice Chair Gloria Deathridge was challenged in May by two other male candidates, she didn’t get the 50% plus one of the vote to advance to August unopposed. Now she faces second runner-up Marshall Walker. Like Hagood (aka Woodson), Deathridge must not pass the Clark female test so without any quote able source Clark puts out a whisper rumor here that Deathridge is sick and could die within the next 4 years. Do What?! I mean anyone on the board is NOT guaranteed tomorrow and could pass immediately. So the stringer (free lance writer with Clark) goes to KnoxViews in the comments here tries to cite a source but Marshall Walker won’t bite but gives enough wink, wink to make it juicy.

If she is sick, she is afforded HIPPA rights and privacy. But not when the Slopper gals ain’t fer ya. I surely thought breathing life into whisper campaigns would not continue with the guys in suits running the little tool shed weekly throw away newspaper operation.

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