Lamar Bus Tour Kick-Offs and Generates 5 Outsiders

Gary Armstrong, who identified himself as a part of the “Beat Lamar” campaign surrounded with 4 teenagers, 3 with Red Lamar shirts and 1 with a Joe Carr shirt were wandering around, before the event. They were informed where the free speech zone was. Well they didn’t get close to the Senator upon his arrival. As he left the event, one of the red shirt teenagers yelled at the Senator will you debate Joe Carr?

What makes Carr so special? George Flinn, Jr. is a more credible opponent to Lamar than Carr. For that matter all the candidates are more credible than Carr, Brenda Lenard, Christian Agnew, Erin Kent Magee and John D. King.


It seems this “Beat Lamar” campaign is a shadow or shell Carr campaign. As a “Beat Lamar” they should back all his opponents, not just one.

I believe Republicans would be foolish to nominate any other Republican other than Lamar. I stand with Lamar.

I believe this Gary Armstrong is the one from the Roane County TEA Party.

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1 Response

  1. Gary Armstrong is not a member of the Roane County Tea Party. Lamar Alexander would like nothing better than having several other candidates to run against, thus diluting the votes, enabling Mr Alexander to get a majority of votes. There is information circulating that George Flynn is working with Lamar to dilute the vote and is in this race for no other reason. The only real candidate with a chance to beat Lamar is Joe Carr .