Congrats to Knox County School Board Winners Hill and Deathridge

First District voters re-elected Gloria Deathridge over challenger Marshall Walker. Walker needs to place the blame directly on the E.W. Scripps weekly throw away paper employee Sandra Clark and her stringer Betty Bean. When the two of them went public with alleged “death bed reports” of Deathridge. It took folks who were just observing from the sidelines and turned them into bench players for Deathridge. Thus National Enquirer tactics don’t play down here in the South and it was exposed for what it was, a political dirty trick.

Similar to the 2006 Harold Ford, Jr. Playboy mansion television ad. Corker denounced it and it didn’t hurt him. Walker should have denounced the tabloid dirty tricks and he may have prevailed.

In the Sixth District Terry Hill bested Sandra Rowcliffe. Rowcliffe who used the UT liar turned Auburn turn coat Bruce Pearl robo calls in the May 6 Primary run up to finish a distant second. Finishing second in a crowd had observers questioning whether it was a pre curser to a parking lot tussle. The tussle never happened as Rowcliffe could never get the car out of second gear to catch Hill.

The first few meetings of the new board should be interesting in that Third district Member Doug Harris and his wife contributed a combined $6,000 in attempting to beat Hill. What was the quid pro quo for a $6,000 contribution? The district was correct to reject the drama that is Rowcliffe and entrust their representation to a community servant in Hill.

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