Briggs Should Debate Siler for State Senate

First off I am a voting citizen in Senator Becky Duncan Massey’s District, State Senate District 6. So, I don’t have a personal opinion of Richard Briggs and Cheri Siler. This blog has a lot of readers in State Senate District 7 and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Now, Briggs participated with State Senator Stacey Campfield (he’s still the State Senator until either Briggs or Siler is elected) in a forum. The Young Republicans had one which I covered here, WBIR’s Inside Tennessee and WATE’s Tennessee This Week had some as well. However, now that the primary is over. Briggs is avoiding any commitment to debating Siler. Siler has confronted Briggs for him to give her the slight of hand of call my campaign manager. Now, good doctor that may work in the health care field to say call the appointment desk. But this ain’t that.

Briggs says people know his positions. If he had been a State Senator that would be true, if he had committed to any positions in the primary that may be plausible. But guess what, all I saw as an observer was a campaign of “I am not Campfield”, that was obvious, he was shorter and lacks the red hair.

Briggs debating State Senator Stacey Campfield at a Young Republicans meeting. The YR President informed me after the event he was unaware of the third candidate Mike Alford.

Briggs debating State Senator Stacey Campfield at a Young Republicans meeting. The YR President informed me after the event he was unaware of the third candidate Mike Alford.

While Briggs raised in excess of $250,000 in addition to loaning his campaign $122,000. The likelihood that Siler might beat him on November 4 is a long shot. But who guessed that Clarence “Eddie” Pridemore would win the position of Chancellor in August?

Briggs should debate Siler! I certainly hope that Jack McElroy and the Editorial folks at the big metal shed on the hill aka News Sentinel will encourage Briggs to sit down for a 90 minute debate. I would hope maybe the Chamber, UTK would help sponsor it. It would be nice if the television stations would televise it. But that’s my opinion for now.

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