When Will Mayor Timmy Floyd Burchett Be Truthful?

In this WVLT news story Knox County Mayor Timothy Floyd Burchett is taking credit for the eighth annual Senior Appreciation Picnic. Burchett has only been Mayor four years. Meaning that the first four picnics were the creation of Former Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale.

When Burchett took over he pulled his little stunt of shaking the keys to a couple of county owned vehicles. Many believed it was an attempt to be the anti Ragsdale. But it appears, Timmy Floyd Burchett takes an event as the Sr. Appreciation Picnic and steal it as his own.

Additionally, Timmy lied to Channel 8, when he did not correct the reporter at Channel 8. They reported that it was funded with all private donations. How could Channel 8 get it so wrong especially with the Mayors Communications Person Michael Grider’s wife being on the staff of Chanel 8? Is this an intentional misleading of taxpayer expenditures?


Here (If you can’t afford the paywall subscription, look at the picture below) in an August 21, 2014 Knoxville News Sentinel story by Gerald Witt where Timmy is spending in excess of $5,000 for the express purpose of the Senior Appreciation Picnic. This is a similar dollar amount that had the former Trustee resign from office. When can we expect John Gill to pursue legal actions on Mayor Timmy.


Mayor Timmy has a history of the John Kerry proportion flip flops. He had campaign finance irregularities before having a second irregularity that he blamed on his first wife. He was for the internet tax before he was against it. He was against the James White Parkway expansion before he was for it. He stopped the Outlet Drive expansion and extension in 2010, before he recommended and authorized the expansion and extension of Outlet Drive.

There’s much speculation just like this weeks Victor Ashe’s column about a higher office for Mayor Timmy. Well, with his errors, omissions, his flip flops and especially his drama filled “personal life” issues it is easy to see why he is already setting his eyes on higher office, where his flip flops don’t keep stacking up for public inspection.

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