
Category: Elected Officials

Governor Haslam and TN Commissioner of Education McQueen Visit Carter Middle for a Rally

The school of my youth, sorta. In Knox Countymy back in the day, we attended elementary school through the eighth grade and then went to high school. I attended Sunnyview Elementary and then Carter...

Briggs Wants ObamaCare/MediCare Expansion in TN and that is Why He Endorsed Jason Zachary’s Opponent, In My Humble Opinion

Today mailboxes are stuffed with a card with Senator Richard Briggs endorsing Jason Zachary‘s opponent. Briggs has served one year in the Senate and during that year voted in committee and then pushed ObamaCare...


Hugh Nystrom, Fourth District County Commission Race is OFF to a Fast Start

Hugh Nystrom, a candidate for Fourth District County Commissioner appointed a Treasurer on April 20, 2015. Any candidate and all candidates are NOT permitted to ask for, receive any contributions or spend any money...