
Betty Bean’s Column Is Akin to a Lazy Prank Caller With No Responsibilities

Betty Bean’s latest verbal vomit in the form of a published column through the E.W. Scripps owned Shopper (an advertising wrapper that litter driveways every week) She first insinuates that Sheriff Jones was attempting to cover explain away the E.W. Scripps owned Knox News stories about potential sunshine law violation involving 911 board.

She also goes on to imply his suggestion to ask Chancellor Pridemore to examine the Sunshine law ruling has motives. Pridemore is the elected Chancellor for the court of jurisidiction involving the Sunshine order. Additionally, she writes that Pridemore’s only qualification in being Chancellor is that he is a Republican. If she were accurate, she is implying that the Election Commission, State Election Authorities violated the law. Why E.W. Scripps allow such ignorance to grace their pages is perplexing at best.

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