
When Will News Sentinel Report About the Screaming and Yelling at the School Board

Watching the Board Forum tonight, Chairman Mike McMillan and Karen Carson engaged in a discussion about having a budget discussion the week that Carson, Tracy Sanger and Gloria Deathridge will be out of town. McMillan kept saying probably won’t have a vote. That is an indication that 1) he hasn’t been told by his handler what to do or 2) the intermediary hasn’t polled the other members.  Sadly, McMillan’s use of the board secretary as an intermediary to poll the board about when they are going on vacation is suspect in legal terms.


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Mike McMillan and Timmy Floyd Burchett

However, McMillan began screaming and yelling over Carson not adhering to parliamentary procedure, because Carson had the floor. No one on the board or from the law department corrected McMillan. Probably cause they like McMillan and know that he wouldn’t adhere to what they said. Will the News Sentinel report the unprofessional antics of McMillan? Not Likely!

*for the record I am not a fan of Carson and never have been.

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