
Jason Zachary Has Early Support, While Zachary’s Opponent Spends Like a Drunken Sailor in New Orleans

The Republican Primary for the Special Election for State Representative 14th district is a study in contrast. Jason Zachary has raised three time the amount of his opponent and has conservatively not spent it foolishly. While his opponent has spent the single most amount of money on a campaign manager, spending $2,574 with only 16 days of work; June 14-30, 2015. That amounts to $160.875 per day for campaign management.

Zachary’s opponent has been a candidate in three previous elections; surely she doesn’t need a manager to delegate volunteers. Unless, of course as a school board member she has irritated certified, non certified, parents, students and taxpaying non public school stake holder citizens for always taking the side of whatever Superintendent is in charge at the time.

With this contrast and comparison, can you trust Jason Zachary’s opponent to spend your state tax dollars as you would? Also, the t-shirts of Zachary’s opponent does not have a paid for disclosure on them. Another oversight by a $160 plus a day manager.

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2 Responses

  1. OakRidger says:

    Carson is so lazy just like her husband (whistler blower, my rear end) They figure throw some green backs at the little frat boy and he will deliver her a job without her actually working for it.

  2. KC says:

    She is a career politician, in a third term on school board and wanting to be on the state legislature gravy train. No Way!