Seven of the Eleven Knox County Commissioners have cell phones that are provided and paid for by the taxpayers of Knox County. Those seven Commissioners are Evelyn Gill, Michele Carringer, Randy Smith (Smith’s phone has a dual role for his position with Knox County Risk Management and County Commission), John Schoonmaker, Charles Busler, Dave Wright and Carson Dailey. The four Commissioners that DO NOT accept a provided and paid for cell phone of the tax payers is Hugh Nystrom, Brad Anders, Bob Thomas and Ed Brantley.
As the taxpayer provided and funded cellphones, the records of the cellphones are open to the public. I requested the records from 7/1/2017 through 9/20/2017. I examined the records and looked for the cellphone number of former Knox County Commissioner and Priority Ambulance Government Relations Manager John Mills and other Commissioners.
Disclosure: I am not inferring that any of this is improper, I am reporting what the open records state. Any determination of proper or improper is up to someone that would need to talk to each Commissioner. All of that is above my pay grade. Additionally, all the records say “number called”. It seems to me that it is possible that others were calling the ones that are listed as calling. But I report what the record states.
I understand that in frustration, Commissioner Busler asked if he could have my cellphone number. Yes, Mr. Busler you can have my cellphone number, the difference in mine and yours is that I pay for mine and apparently I pay for yours too.
Gill called the Knox County Commission Office (7/12/17, 7/14/17, 8/4/17, 8/22/17, 9/12/17, twice on 9/14/17) seven times for a total of about 12 minutes.
Carringer had one call to Mills (8/14/17) for one minute and one call (9/15/2017) Commission Chairman Wright for 9 minutes.
Smith called Commissioner Thomas once (9/14/17) for one minute, called Commissioner Anders nine times (five times on 9/15/17, twice on 9/16/17, twice on 9/18/17 for a total of 40 minutes. In full disclosure he had one call with this blogger on 9/18 for 4 minutes, I had texted him a Congratulations on being elected Chairman and he returned my call. On 9/23 he called and we talked for 21 minutes and that was response to this open records request, where he clarified that his phone is used for dual purposes and some calls would be privacy protected. I explained that my search is limited and I suggested that going forward, he may want to secure a Commission only phone.
Schoonmaker called the Commission office once (7/3/17) for 4 minutes, called Smith three times (7/18/17, 8/31/17 and 9/1/17) for 15 minutes, called Dailey 13 times (7/19/17, two on 8/1/17, 8/2/17, 8/16/17, 8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/1/17, 9/12/17, 9/15/17, 9/19/17, two on 9/21/17) for 79 minutes, called Wright four times (two on 8/15/17, two on 8/30/17) for 28 minutes and Brantley once (9/11/17) for two minutes.
Busler called Mills 25 times (7/11/17, twice on 7/20/17, three times on 8/1/17, 8/8/17, twice on 8/10/17, four times on 8/11/17, 8/14/17, twice on 8/17/17, 8/24/17, twice on 8/28/17, three times on 8/30/17, 8/31/17, 9/1/17, 9/2/17, 9/5/17, 9/7/17) for a total of 154 minutes. The Commission office 12 times (7/20/17, 7/25/17, 8/2/17, 8/9/17, 8/18/17, 8/24/17, twice on 9/7/17, 9/19/17, 9/20/17, twice on 9/22/17 ) for a total of 16 minutes. Dailey once (7/31/17) for one minute. Wright once (8/31/17) for a total of 18 minutes. Nystrom once (9/20/17) for 2 minutes and a text message to Mills on 8/28/17.
Wright called the Commission office nine times (twice on 7/5/17, 7/25/17, 8/4/17, 8/9/17, 8/29/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/22/17) for 37 minutes. called Smith four times (7/5/17, 7/25/17, 8/22/17, 9/5/17) for 16 minutes. Called Mills six times (7/20/17, 8/1/17, 8/8/17, twice on 8/12/17, 8/30/17) for 52 minutes. Called Anders once (8/14/17) for 4 minutes. Called Schoonmaker four times (three times on 8/15/17, 8/30/17) for 29 minutes. Called Busler once on (8/31/17) for 18 minutes.
Dailey called Mills eight times (7/3/17, twice on 7/11/17, 8/8/17, twice on 8/15/17, 8/21/17, 8/25/17) for 40 minutes. Called Wright once for (7/6/17) two minutes. Called Schoonmaker 21 times (7/17/17, 7/19/17, 7/20/17, twice on 8/1/17, 8/16/17, 8/17/17, 8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/1/17, four times on 9/5/17, 9/7/17 9/12/17, 9/15/17 twice on 9/19/17, twice on 9/21/17) for 101 minutes. Called Busler once for (7/31/17) one minute. Called Anders once (8/28/17) for 2 minutes. Called Smith once (8/28/17) for 3 minutes.

From left to right, Commissioners Evelyn Gill, Michele Carringer, Hugh Nystrom and John Schoonmaker.

from left to right, Commissioner Brad Anders, Dave Wright, Carson Dailey, Bob Thomas and Ed Brantley.
Well ain’t that special! Black Wednesday Mills and Busler on the party line for 154 minutes. Probably talking about Brian Hornback……Keep pulling records, Brian!