Saturday night August 10th I traveled to Cumberland County, TN aka “the plateau” Crossville for the 4th Annual Speaker Cameron Sexton Burgers and Brews. I am still perplexed how I missed the 2nd one. I have attended the 1st, 3rd and 4th.
It is always an awesome event with the Speaker, his constituents and the good guys and women that work with the Speaker in Nashville. The burgers are good and the beer is cold (I am led to believe)
This year, Special Guest former Governor Arkansas Mike Huckabee with his wife Janet attended. Huckabee host of the TBN show Huckabee. The Huckabee’s are parents of Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Here is a sample of the musical entertainment.
Here is a brief recording of Huckabee arriving.
Here are the remarks of Speaker Sexton and Governor Huckabee.
Rep. David Wright of Knox County’s Nineteenth, Rep. Justin Lafferty of Knox County’s Eighty Ninth, Tim Wheeler member of the Tennessee Funeral Directors, Embalmers and Burial Services Board, my longtime friend Chip Saltsman, TN House Republican Leader William Lamberth of the Forty Fourth, Republican nominee Rick Scarbrough of TN House District Thirty Three, Rep. Michele Carringer of Knox County’s Sixteenth, former Congressman Van Hilleary (Chief of Staff to Congressman John Rose), Chad Bobo, Republican nominee of TN House District 60 and Jamie Peltz, Republican nominee of TN House District 67. Bobo and Peltz are two seats we need and will flip from Blue to RED. Stevie Giorno, President of the Tennessee Federation of Young Republicans, John D. Richardson, one of my colleagues on the TN Republican Party State Executive Committee, Rep. Jody Barrett of TN House District Sixty Nine and of course Tennessee Speaker Cameron Sexton.
The views and selfies of my friends. 👇🏼