Audit Problems Linger in Lake County 

The Tennessee Comptroller’s Office is once again reporting poor audit results in the Lake County government’s annual audit report.

The audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, contains 14 findings, nine of which were also reported in fiscal year 2023. These audit findings include material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, and instances of noncompliance within several county offices.

Auditors noted findings related to the Offices of County Mayor, Director of Schools, Sheriff, Road Superintendent, and Ambulance Service Department. The 14 findings include accounting, budgeting, and purchasing deficiencies. Material audit adjustments were also required for proper financial statement presentation in the Offices of County Mayor and Director of Schools. These issues have been persistent in Lake County for many years and have remained uncorrected.

Lake County has had at least seven audit findings since fiscal year 2018.

“It is discouraging to see another year of disappointing audit results in Lake County,” said Comptroller Mumpower. “Year after year, county officials concur with our audit findings and develop corrective action plans to fix them; however, we don’t see the follow through that is necessary to make government better. The Lake County Audit Committee must hold officials accountable for making long overdue improvements.”

It should be noted that some offices within Lake County government did not have any findings in this year’s audit report. These offices include the County Clerk, Trustee, Clerk and Master, Register of Deeds, Assessor of Property, and the Circuit, General Sessions, and Juvenile Courts Clerk.

To view all Tennessee audit reports, click here.

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