
Gov. Lee Announces Appointments in the Judicial Branch 

Today, January 17, 2025 Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced two key judicial appointments.

“I am proud to announce the appointment of these highly qualified individuals and value the significant experience they will bring to their respective roles,” said Gov. Lee. “I appreciate their leadership and am confident they will serve Tennesseans with integrity.”

The following Tennesseans have been appointed:

Jeremy Ball, appointed as Circuit Court Judge in the 4th Judicial District.

Melanie Sellers, appointed as Public Defender in the 1st Judicial District.

Jeremy Ball currently serves as Assistant District Attorney for the 4th Judicial District. Ball earned his bachelor’s degree at Carson-Newman College and juris doctor at Vanderbilt University Law School. The 4th Judicial District Court covers Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson, and Sevier counties. Ball has been appointed to fill the vacancy created by the untimely passing of Judge Duane Slone. This appointment is effective immediately.

Jeremy Ball • picture source Newport Plain Talk

Melanie Sellers currently serves as Assistant District Public Defender for the 1st Judicial District. Sellers earned her bachelor’s degree at East Tennessee State University and juris doctor at University of Tennessee College of Law. The 1st Judicial District Court covers Carter, Johnson, Unicoi, and Washington counties. Sellers has been appointed to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Jeffery Kelly. This appointment is effective March 1, 2025.

Sellers – picture source Elizabethton Star

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