The Knoxville Daily Paper has a story about Bryan Hair, a former Chief of Staff of Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs.
Because a YUGE majority of my readers are not subscribers online or with the print edition of the daily paper. The paywall is brutal in any economy.
I am sharing Hair’s response to the daily papers question. Hair shared it with me.
“Currently, I’ve been approached by some local leaders who have encouraged me to consider this opportunity. However, I have not filed any paperwork, nor have any accounts been set up. It’s likely that what you’ve seen is a leaked image of a mock-up that was generated. Knox County has been a wonderful place for our family, and I understand that serving as Mayor comes with immense responsibility and honor. My family and I are actively praying about this decision, and once it’s made, I will communicate it to everyone—one way or another.” – Bryan Hair
The Knox County elections are in 2026, Primaries on May 5, 2026 and General on August 6, 2026. The City of Knoxville elections are this year, Primaries August 26 and the General on November 4. Why the daily paper is consumed with a rumor of a candidate that far out, in my opinion, may explain why subscriptions are low.