
There are No Coincidences Along Life’s Road with God, Only Divine Appointments

On Wednesday May 1 I woke up as usual and looked at all the area newspapers online. As I looked at the Roane County News, I saw a story about three people on horseback and their dog traveling across America.

That evening, I attended the “High School Edge” (the mid week student ministry event for high school). Husband and Wife Tim and Lynn Tuggle along with Jason Ladd had made it to Farragut. They were interviewed by the Farragut Press. Wes Evans our high school pastor had asked them to stay and speak with the high school students. May 1 was already scheduled for Field Day (an outside event). They did just that.


Tim shared their story. They were living in California and had a business. God spoke to Tim to sell what he had and set out on horseback to Newburn, NC traveling across America. When he told his wife Lynn, she agreed. So, in August 2010 they set out, in New Mexico they found a friend, Chico their dog (he actually leads the way in front of the horses)


As they traveled across Middle TN, a young man Jason Ladd had been spending time with God and believed that he had a call from God for the next call on his life. He simply wanted a sign. That sign came the next day when Tim and Lynn came through Spring Hill, TN. He joined up with them for a brief time and was riding with them when they came through Farragut.


The message for me was simply, the decision to set out on horseback in August 2010 set into motion divine appointments along the way. One was when they found Chico, the divine appointment to meet Jason Ladd and confirm God’s call on his life, the divine appointment to be at First Baptist Concord on the night of the high school field day, the divine appointment that I would happen to be there and hear their word to now share it with you here on Shock And Awe. These are only a few divine appointments out of hundreds that Tim and Lynn have experienced. I am just pleased that I was a recipient of one of them.

You can follow their journey on this Facebook page.

Two verses on their card are “I can do all things through Christ which strengths me.” – Phillipians 4:13 and “The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him” – Psalm 32:10 If you are called of God to contribute. Donations via PayPal can be made through this website.

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