City Councilman Nick DellaVolpe won the “Kiss a Pig” charity fundraiser yesterday. He was selected over a close second behind State Senator Stacey Campfield.
Thanks to Stoney Sharp of WBIR who posted the final tally board on twitter. As a secondary, non related to the charity or vote, we have the unofficial results from the first straw poll between Senator Campfield and his only announced opponent in 2014.
Campfield 289
Briggs 57
In fact out of all seven candidates, Briggs finished 5th. The only candidates that secured fewer votes were State Representative Joe Armstrong and finishing last was County Commission Chairman and Black Wednesday Commissioner Tony Norman. Was part of the finish by Briggs and Norman in part reaction to their Trustee appointment? Maybe!

Is winning this contest an advantage? Seems like the person you would want to kiss a pig would be someone you don’t like.