UPDATE: 9/9/2013 I received a call from another YR source that informs me that the Knox Co Republican Chair has authored a letter asking elected officials to consider donating to the Young Republicans. The Chair has not given any Knox Co Republican Executive Committee money as has been done in the past. Invest the money where your mouth is, that’s my editorial ten cents.
Sources close to the Knox County Young Republicans have told me that they have gone to the Knox County Republican Chair asking for some monetary assistance to travel to the the State Young Republican organizational meeting.
The Chair obviously upset that many of the young republicans support Incumbent Republican State Senator Stacey Campfield were told that there would be no help from the party because of their support of Campfield and if they change their position she would reconsider her opinion.
Baack at the Knox County Lincoln Day Dinner in April the Chair made clear her favorite in the race between Senator Campfield and Commissioner Richard Briggs. We posted about it here.
On August 27, 2013 we posted this story about comments the Chair made at the Center City Conservatives Republican Club concerning State Representative Harry Brooks and State Senator Becky Duncan Massey. While rumors have circulated about a possible 2014 challenge by Commissioner David Wright to Rep. Brooks. He has indicated to many folks in media that at this time he is not a candidate. The qualifying petitions for that position will become available on January 3, 2014 and the deadline for returning it is not until April 3, 2014 at NOON.
After that post, several persons present at a recent Halls Republican Club called to explain what happened at that clubs meeting related to the incident at the Center City Conservatives Republican Club. Here is the September 1, 2014 post detailing that incident.
Then we posted this story on September 4, 2013 as a follow-up to a conversation that I had with Michael Sullivan, Deputy Executive Director of the TN Republican Party.
One day maybe there won’t be any disharmony to have to report. One day maybe, the political parties will have aggressive primaries where the voters will select the nominees (not a perceived party boss and her/his minions). After the primary elections then every Republican works to elect the nominees. That is my idealistic pipe dream, I know. But surely, I can have a dream!

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