On Monday the Knox County Commission will likely sell the Historic Knoxville High School to a development company that will build 100 Senior Independent Living units within the structure.
For several years I have told people that within the attic of the building is an indoor firing range, because they taught marksmanship. People don’t quite believe it. Remember that Knoxville High closed in 1951 and all males after graduating or even before graduating high school were going off to war.
So, yesterday I was able to get into Historic Knoxville High with the help of some good county folks that will not be named here. Here it is all you doubters and people that believe I just make stuff up.

A table area in from of the classroom area that is believed to have been an area where possibly war scenarios were played out

The same large chalkboard and it has a date of 10-22-1976. No way to know if that was written then or later.
As you go back to the attack entrance area and go right and then wander around you eventually get to the indoor firing range. Over near the windows you find this which appears to be a rifle rack.
As you then turn to the right from the rifle rack, you are faced with the indoor firing range. Here it is,

The indoor firing range in the Historic Knoxville High School on Fifth Avenue in Downtown Knoxville, TN