
Must See TV, Tonight! Preview of the 2014 Elections

After you have spent all your money and just before you tune in to the Live Garth Brooks concert on tv at 9 p.m. you need to watch CTV Knox at 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.

During that time slot is One on One with Hubert Smith. However, tonight it is the Brian Hornback dot Com show with Hubert Smith as a side kick. No really, Hubert and I go through all 34 or 35 upcoming Knox County races based on candidates that have announced and or indicated they will announce.

There are some LOL moments we suspect. We had to tape it on Tuesday because CTV Knox is closed today and tonight for the Thanksgiving Holidays.

After the makeup and just before we began.

After the makeup and just before we began.

with the background up

with the background up

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2 Responses

  1. Sanford Loy says:

    Now that is two motley looking characters…great guys, but motley. not sure what motley means but it sounds right…seriously I am sure you guys did a great job, sorry I missed it!

  2. BHornback says:

    I will get with Hubert and try and get it posted on youtube for you and the thousands…I mean millions that wanted to see ME but were occupied.