Yesterday the Knox County Commission met from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. to hear the concern of teachers toward the changes over the years.
In a related story published in a weekly throw away paper on Monday reported this.
Norman says “a taste” of the high-pressure environment the superintendent brought to Knox County was enough to prompt him to take early retirement.
“I was subjected to just a very modest degree of the kind of stuff that teachers have right now.
So teachers, when Norman was telling you to stay with it, don’t give up. He doesn’t walk the talk. Because he admitted that he caved at a “very modest degree” of stuff.
Also, teachers when Norman says “Follow the Money, Follow the Money”. Please note that he will have served eight years on County Commission when he leaves office on 8/21/2014. Last year he served as Chairman of the Commission and the budget passed 11-0. Not one time in 8 years, not one time since he took early retirement did he seek a financial detail workshop on the school budget.
In all curiosity I have to wonder what would Norman’s attitude be if he were promoted to the A.J. Building as an edu-bureaucrat? I have heard rumors about his time at Farragut High School and I just don’t want to take the time to research it.
I support some of the changes the teachers seek. But when I see hypocrisy and grand standing, I feel I must call Norman on it. As what I witnessed yesterday (in my opinion) was Norman using people and their professional struggle as a personal lynching platform. I believe that Norman needs to just go chill with an adult beverage and reflect on his inability to take a stand under “very moderate stuff” and his inability to follow the money, follow the money.

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