
Daniel Brown – Knoxville’s Interim Mayor

Knoxville City Council selected Councilman Daniel T. Brown as Knoxville’s Interim Mayor. Brown replaces TN Governor – Elect Bill Haslam who resigned today in order to take the position of Governor on Saturday. It took 11 votes of the nine member Council to select Brown. Council Members Joe Bailey, Daniel Brown, Duane Grieve, Brenda Palmer and Chris Woodhull were all willing to serve. On the final ballot, Councilman Grieve received the votes of Della Volpe, Grieve, Palmer, Pavis. Councilman Brown received 5 votes of Bailey, Brown, Becker, Roddy and Woodhull. Councilman Pavlis requested a 12th vote to elect Brown unanimously. Brown is Knoxville’s first African American Mayor in the city’s history. Brown pictured here with Councilmembers Bailey and Palmer at Victor Ashe Park from back in September 2010.

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