
Why Run?

When I picked up a qualifying petition to be on the ballot for Republican State Executive Committee I had many people ask why run? Throughout the campaign, I had a desire to serve the party. But I also knew that there were people who I were told talked behind my back but never to my face. There were people that I suspected were always sending out personal smear attacks on me but couldn’t prove.

When at the last minute to secure a candidate with the ability to raise money and had connections to a Knox County elected officials office that has a political agenda. My priority changed and that was to out the enemies that I could out, expose the members of the media with an agenda. To solidify my short list and redefine the long list. All of this without spending a dime.
First, was someone that I was informed was always talking behind my back as early as November 2006. It only took a meeting at the courthouse with the election commission to out this one. The funniest part is that all three television stations and the newspaper were there, a rare occasion. I knew how to play the media. I was there early enough to witness to meeting before the meeting when a couple of election commissioners were meeting. During the meeting one of the election commission members got all theatrical and waved papers in the air. They didn’t rattle me. So, it played out perfectly and the short fuse blew up and I was blessed that a newspaper reporter witnessed the explosion and here is the story.

Second, was my uniting the two north knox community newspaper publishers. They both united against me. But, it played well because Sandra Clark, a Scripps employee spent two weeks blasting me. In her first story I was able here to expose her agenda. Her second attack was a re-hash of my blog material, read my response to that one here.

Then there was someone I suspected since 2004 was utilizing some personal smear tactics. During this campaign I was informed that this person was actively putting people together in raising funds. I had been told that this person would tell individuals a crazy story about me. I sent an email to this person who has been in the public sector and is in the private sector. They appear from time to time on analysis shows. I tried to reach out in patching the relationship only to be confronted with some dark comments. They interesting part is that the person acknowledged that the stories he had been telling were not as he had portrayed them to numerous people.

Now, I knew how Chad Tindell, former GOP Chair did not like me, that was detailed in a Rebecca Ferrar October 2006 News Sentinel story. Robert Lawrence Smith doesn’t like me (according to his current wife) primarily based of all the material he has provided to Brian’s Blog. He really needs to quit his temper tantrums like when he took Michelle Carringer’s sausage biscuits and threw them across the room at the Halls Senior Center, not once but twice. (as detailed here) So Chadwick and Robert Lawrence recruited Billy “I endorsed a Democrat for Chancellor in 1998 and only got 15% of the votes for State Senate in 2004.” Mike McClamroch, Mike Prince and Gerald Turner to publicly take a stand against me. They were not able to get former GOP Chairs Bill Tallent, Lynn Tarpy, Sue Methvin or Irene McCrary to sign onto their ill speaking letter of a fellow Republican letter.

And then the Knox County Property Assessors office, Phil Ballard’s office signed my opponents qualifying petition and passed it through the courthouse during hours of operation. All of volunteers that attended events and worked for my opponent has employment connections to the Property Assessors office.

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