What Successful People Know About Leadership by John C Maxwell

There is a new John C Maxwell book, What Successful People Know About Leadership. It is a great book that helps answer many questions about developing your own leadership qualities, develop and grow people under your leadership, how to work under different types of leaders and building your own inner circle.

Click here for information on the book.



Excerpt from the chapter, How to Suceed Working Under Poor Leadership.

Put things in writing whenever possible

To a great extent you can avoid a bad attitude. However, you need to protect yourself from someone who has no integrity. The best way to do that is to leave so you don’t become party to anything unethical. But if you can’t leave right away, or if you need to stay for some reason, put as much communication as you can in writing. You will want to be able to show evidence of your right-doing if at some point your boss is accused of wrongdoing.

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