Steve Hall Calls On Martin Daniel to Suspend His Campaign and Seek Assistance


“After yesterday’s attack by Martin Daniel, I was forwarded a copy of his press release in which he attempted to explain what happened.


“After reading it, I am very disappointed because his version of reality bears little connection with what the other five of the six people in the room saw and reported widely to the news media. Unfortunately, his long rambling media release bears little connection with the truth as everyone else sees it.


“The attack upon me in the radio station is the latest in a series of increasingly unexplainable and bizarre events and statements from State Representative Daniel.


“I am calling upon Martin Daniel to suspend his campaign for reelection immediately.


“This would give him time to recover from the stress of campaigning and would give him the opportunity to seek out whatever help might be beneficial for his own good.

This would also provide a level of protection for other candidates and the public at large.”

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2 Responses

  1. randy says:

    This is getting childish beyond belief. As a voter I want to hear about issues and positions, not watch the proverbial catfight.

  2. MassieBurk says:

    The only liar running for TN House 18 is little martin. I would guess that a couple other people believe Daniel is a liar.