The Faithful Mens Banquet is Saturday January 20 at 6 pm. in the Great Hall at Crown College of the Bible. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is the Speaker. Details can be found here. I have a ticket to this dinner and plan to cover it.

Former Governor Huckabee and me in early 2015 for the signing of his book God, Guns, Grits and Gravy.

Governor Huckabee at a previous Faithful Mens Banquet with TN Second District Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr.
Also, the same evening The Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #87, Knoxville, has scheduled the Annual Lee Jackson Dinner, on Saturday, January 20 at 5:30PM, at the Foundry.
This will be the 25th Annual Celebration, with the presentation of state flags from the Confederate States, and proclamations from Governor Bill Haslam, and the Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett. Numerous Confederate and Union organizations will be attendance, along with state and local officials.
The guest speaker, is Barbara Marthal, retired scholar, Civil War re-enactor, presenting a view of African Americans in the South, during the Civil War. The topic “ Honoring the Confederate Ancestors. While Reconciling The Past”
Additional information, and tickets Available from Earl Smith (865) 687-2732 or John Hitt (865) 689-4592.
From the SCV website is a picture from last year’s dinner of Knox County Commissioners Bob Thomas and Carson Dailey reading the Mayor’s proclamation.