
The 12 Knox County School Superintendent Finalists

Ray & Associates have given the board the 12 finalists out of the 40 applications. By nights end the list will be 6. There could be 6 mad school boards that their Superintendent applied, made the short list and now must come back and plead for foregiveness.

Robert “Bob” Thomas, Assistant Superintendent Knox County Schools

Dr. Donna Wright, Assistant Superintendent Knox County Schools

Robert Lovingood, superintendent for Christian County Public Schools in Hopkinsville, Ky.

James McIntyre, chief operating officer for Boston Public Schools in Massachusetts.

Brian Bingelli, assistant superintendent for Fairfax County Public Schools in Falls Church, Va.

Richard Kitzmiller, superintendent for Kingsport City Schools.

Dale Lynch, superintendent of the Hamblen County public schools.

James Williams, superintendent for Fulton County Schools in Atlanta.

Dr. Toni McGriff, director of schools in Roane County.

Anna Diaz, associate superintedent for Orange County schools in Florida.

Shirl Gilbert, superintendent of West Region Schools in Philadelphia.

We will post the final 6 as soon as possible.

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2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    I just read your list of possible school superintendents.

    It’s frightening that so many assistant superintendents from much wealthier counties than Knox (Orange Co, FL, home of Walt Disney World; Boston, MA; Falls Church, VA; Fulton Co., GA; and Philadelphia, PA) have applied for the job.

    I believe that when the school board increased the superintendent’s salary to a quarter of a million dollars, they said it would be comparable to what districts similar to Knox Co. are paying.

    Since when is Knox Co. similar to Fulton Co., Orange Co., Boston, and Philadelphia ? Plus, if the superintendent makes that much money, it won’t be long until his/her subordinates will be given pay increases.

    Those supporting this pay increase on the school board seriously misled the citizens of Knox Co., and the citizens are going to wind up paying for it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    interesting. at least one of your candidates is also a finalist in tacoma washington this week