WBIR Should NOT Allow One Candidate to Control the Narrative

I will NOT reveal who the candidates are, as sometimes I am labeled as hating people (by the people) if I provide constructive correction.

I am equal to both sides when necessary for corrective critiques. However, WBIR allowed one candidate to control this mornings appearances. One refused to appear beside the other so the candidates were interviewed separately and Reporter John North did not ask specific allegations made by one to the other.

In my opinion, both candidates should be given a time, if one refuses to appear, than just have the one. It did not appear to bother WBIR in the Republican primary when they excluded Bill Hagerty for US Senate from their Sunday show.

Again, I am NOT selective toward party or people. Similar to Project Veritas with James O’keefe. He will expose Republicans just as he exposes Democrats.

If one candidate takes my offer to appear on my site and another ignores emails and offers to appear, so be it. In a few incidents  this year, Democrat Virginia Couch did appear, her opponent did not. Republican Elaine Davis did appear, her opponent did not. Democrat Justin Davis did appear and his opponent did not. There is/was no requirement, ie. an advertisement purchase.


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1 Response

  1. DC. says:

    That’s how the news is supposed to be reported. Straight, no chaser on a level surface.