Tonight in Work Session, the Knox County Commission discussed renewing a contract with Young Williams Animal Center (a nominal increase of $50k per county and city, $100k combined) The $2,150,000 this year from county and city is 1/3 of the centers budget but Knox County Commissioner John Schoonmaker decided to kick the animals down the road. Watch the discussion, here.
Was Schoonmaker’s bias against Janet Testerman, CEO of Young Williams and at Large Knoxville City Councilwoman? is it because she is a woman? The person before the Knox County Commission tonight? Would Schoonmaker have treated a man differently? The Commission has been very gender intolerant toward the six member female majority in the last 18 days.
Schoonmaker is the man that had NO issue in passing NEW TAX for Knox County citizens for material from under the ground (NOTHING KNOX COUNTY HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH) in June 2022, here
Full disclosure, I spent many weekends of my youth in the shotgun seat of a dump truck delivering rock (from primarily the quarry at Forks of the River, along the river) all over East Knox County. My “Papaw” Jim Hornback delivered rock all over East Knox County for a long time, he passed into his eternal Eternal Heavenly reward to meet My “Granny” Elva Mae Plumlee Pratt Hornback, the day after my wife and I married, he passed on March 27, 1988. For those of you not following along, the wife and I married on March 26, 1988.

What has happened to John Schoonmaker?
Hopefully he has been or will be fired from Knox County Commission…. if we’re lucky!!!