
What is Bur-chett Thinking? Is He?

I have remained silent on the McCarthy, Jordan, Emmer and eventually Johnson dust-up on the United States House of Representatives floor. TN Second District Congressman Tim Bur-chett joining with 7 other “Republicans” and every last one of the Democrats in removing Speaker Kevin McCarthy from Speaker.

Enter now this letter that Bur-chett signed with several Democrats pleading with President Biden to grant clemency to an individual that has been convicted and incarcerated since the early 1970’s for his part in murdering two FBI agents. Originally reported on this story on HuffPost.

Why Tim Bur-chett? What information do you have, that has compelled you to sign this letter? I have emailed Bur-chett and his office today in seeking a response…….if he does respond, I will update.

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